Night Owl 4
Night Owl's Shareware - PDSI-004-1 - Wayzata Technology (1990).iso
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Text File
173 lines
Night Version 3.00
This program is designed to be totally user friendly, providing for
a novice to pop it up and use it without any prior computer experience.
Though it was tested under many different system configurations and
environments, it's recommended that if you have any problems
what-so-ever in getting it running the first time, start your system
from the normal DOS prompt without a lot of utilities and TSR's loaded.
The program was tested on the SONY CDROM system and a couple other
generic ones. It worked fine.
Getting started:
Just type "NIGHT" at your DOS prompt ">". The first time it will
ask you some basic questions about your system, create a work area, and
a simple batch file to complete installation. After running it the
first time and typing "install" you shouldn't have any thing left but to
use it by noticing the commands on the screens.
Commands Are:
The commands available from the first screen (The Directory
Catagories) are "#, S, U, E, D, and Q."
(#) is number for accepting the number of the directory area you
wish to list.
(S) is an option to do a search of all the directories for a
specific file or file description. You can also do a ALT
S to do a another search for another key word inside your
first search.
(U) is the a users list directory built for all the files you
searched for it will be there till you do another S from
the main menu.
(E) is if you want to change your config of the cdrom
(D) to drop to dos from our program to format floppy disk or
or do other dos commands
(Q) is to quit the program completly
(F1) is a built in help file to help you with the commands on
this cdrom and may be pressed anyway inside the NIGHT
After entering a directory area you have other options.
Press CR to select the highlight file (or tagged files for handling
From the Area of CR (carrage return):
(X) Extract file(s) from the CDROM.
(Q) Quit back to the file dir
(V) View contents of packed (ZIP) files plus read docs
(D) Shell to DOS
(C) Copy files from the CDROM
(G) Go back to area were you have unziped programs.
(+) Key will tag all files
(-) Key will untag all files
(Spacebar) Tag one file at a time
The V will allow you to read doc for that file you are viewing if
there are doc files in the zip. The X will extact the file to the
work area were you may read docs execute the program and then delate
them so you are ready to work on another file.
Just like I said before, the program is user friendly and require
very little documention. Running the program at default should provide
you with most of what you will need.
Information about all the Shareware Authors and Products
There is a Special Directory on the CD-ROM for shareware authors that have
allowed their programs to be added to this cd and they are in dir 30 and
are located on the CD-ROM in directory 030A.
Shareware programs are not FREE programs or public domain programs. They
are copyrighted programs that the authors have released to the public to
allow them to look at the program and to try it out. You should then
register the program with the author if you like and want to continue to
use the program.
(c) Copyright All Rights Reserved
ASP Trademark of (c) Association Shareware Professioals
Pkunzip.exe Trademark of (c) PKware Inc.
Vpic Trademark of (c) Bob Montgomery
WordPerfect Trademark of (c) Word Perfect Corporation
Pascal Trademark of (c) Word Perfect Corporation
List Trademark of (c) Vernon D. Buerg
Lotus Trademark of (c) Borland Inc.
Windows Trademark of (c) Microsoft Corporation
Gap Trademark of (c) Gap Development Company
Night Trademark of (c) Night Owls
We also want to take the time to acknowledge the scores of other
trademarks and copyrights found though out the zipped files on the cd-rom
Again support shareware authors by registering their Programs
Please remember to read all DOC files for the programs that you have
installed to help you in your programming.
And we also give special thanks to the following people:
Phil Katz
For allowing use to use his program as a part of the CD-ROM. It is a very
useful for viewing file documentation.
Now a little infomation on soom of the programs on this cdrom all
the programs may not be albe to be used if you do not have what the
program is looking for for example if you pick a file that is only
for VGA and you use a Mono monitor then that program will not work
on your computer, Plus on a lot of programs there is once the program
is run there is no way to exit out of it and you will have to reboot
your computer so will allow you to guite but all do not this is the
programs fault not the NIGHT because you have left the night and
entered into the other Authors program......
To run the Cdrom without configing it all you do is to type
Noinstal and it will bring up the Cdrom without the config..
To install the cdrom just type Install and follow the instructions
you can name your own work area or use the defaults we have used
and put in the letter of your cdrom drive...and you should be up
and running with little problems.